XCOM is a reimagining of the XCOM franchise, which was recently revisited in Firaxis' XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Set in the 1950s instead of the early 2000s, players take on the role of an FBI agent sent to investigate strange sightings of aliens, who—as it later becomes apparent—are poised to take over the earth. The US government then forms a unit known as XCOM to investigate the extraterrestrial invaders and repel them. This 1950s-influenced game appears to share influences from the likes of the X-Files and the sci-fi series Dark Skies. The game is currently in development at the studio which created Bioshock 2, so expect to see a lot of RPG-like elements in the game in addition to some amount of resource management and team-based elements like Mass Effect.

Platform: PC, Xbox 360 & PS3.

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