The Origins Of LIMS And What They Do Today

By Karen Smith

When it comes to research laboratories, no matter what kind of science is taking place, there are going to be massive amounts of data and information that needs to be recorded. That is why all modern labs are equipped with something called a LIMS, or a laboratory information management system. LIS or LMS, laboratory information system and laboratory management system respectively, all serve similar purposes, but it is important to be aware of the subtle differences between them.

The main thing to know about these types of systems is that they are always computer-based nowadays, since they are a type of software. Every day, labs have many different forms of data and other information that needs to be tracked in real time and kept in a safe, reliable way that the scientists know will be accurate every time. Not only does this enable researchers to perform experiments in studies like they never could before, but it also makes every function of the lab much easier.

Some of the key things that this kind of a system helps in a laboratory is keeping track of all the workflow that goes on in the facility. It is also a way of tracking all of the data that is recorded so that it is easy to access and understand. With the many different kinds of specialty labs that are out there, the uses of these kinds of systems go far beyond these basic examples.

Management systems have been around in many different forms over the years, but as science has become more advanced, so too have these systems. In the beginning, they were just used to track samples and not much else. Nowadays, the systems are used as highly advanced programs that can put huge amounts of data together at speeds people of yesteryear could only dream of.

Although there is a general consensus on what an information system for a laboratory is, people don't always agree on some of the finer aspects of what defines this type of program. People have to use their own interpretation to see what the definition means to them personally. It is important to know what a certain kind of laboratory defines as an information system as opposed to other kinds.

There are a number of different categories that these systems are put in, but it is easy to see that the main purposes remain the same across all of them. The specific needs of some labs have led to some that have special tools to look at commercial and research aspects. Others are mainly for the clinical and forensic side of things.

As laboratory sciences have grown more advanced, the uses of information management systems have grown immensely since they were first used. One of the big ways it helps researchers is by bringing together the different core branches of science. Some of the ways that these systems' uses have become more advanced have caused the different types to become more similar in use.

When things had to be entered manually in a lab, there were many things that could go wrong. A single error in the transcription of data could be disastrous. This is why having things automatically recorded removes the potential for a huge amount of errors to be made.

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